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DeMystifying Colonoscopies

Excluding skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most common kind of cancer in the US and the third leading cancer-related cause of death in the US. Although the CDC reported in November of 2013 that 20 million Americans still have not completed a colon cancer screening test, the incidence of colon cancer has been steadily decreasing over the past 20 years. Possible reasons for this decline are improved screening finds pre-cancerous polyps early, treatments have improved and screening procedures have improved. It is expected that as the Affordable Care Act advances and more people have insurance (and this type of screening is covered) , that screening rates should improve. A procedure called a colonoscopy is the primary screening procedure (62%) for colon cancer screening. In addition, a colonoscopy has many other GI related indications, such as : bleeding, abdominal pain, polyp removal, unexplained weight loss and inflammatory bowel disease.

Until recently, many patients were fearful of going to get the colonscopy test completed due to discomfort during the procedure, an unwillingness to complete the required preparation or lack of insurance coverage. Beginning at age 50 (45 for African Americans), screening for colon cancer should begin if the pt. has no symptoms. A colonoscopy may be indicated earlier for patients with GI symptoms, a family history of colon cancer, or IBS. Now, in the news, are virtual colonoscopies- which require no sedation but do have additional radiation exposure risk.

For expertise in this segment, we have turned to a board certified GI specialist in Atlanta, Dr. Max Shapiro- who has a special interest in colon cancer screening . Dr. Shapiro is board certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology/hepatology and is in private practice at Metro Atlanta Gastro at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta. Listeners can find more information at


Dr. Max Shapiro

  • Medical Degree from Tufts University in Boston, MA
  • Internal Medicine fellowship completed at Emory University
  • Fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Georgetown in DC
  • Board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology
  • Private practice at Metro Atlanta Gastro with interest in colon cancer screening



Face 2014: Anti-Aging Skin Care

Do you see signs of aging on your face? Do you have more wrinkles , fine lines and discolorations than 10-15 years ago? Most of us do not like the idea of showing our age and many of us are busy seeking solutions to not only prevent further skin aging, but to address past damage as well. Some studies say we prioritize beauty treatments in times of economic turmoil. Business results show prove this point-especially in America where we still spend to look good. Beauty spending increased 26.5% from Q3 to Q4 one year ago. Now, with clinical evidenced based products with pharmaceutical grade ingredients, many of us can get professional results at home for improved beautiful skin, completion improvements and correction of skin problems .

Symptoms of skin aging include discoloration, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles, decreased elasticity. Skin types and skin conditions affect what products will work to transform our skin condition and protect it from damage of UV light and pollution. Products that may be used to improve facial appearance and skin condition include: antioxidants, corrective creams, exfoliants, masques, toners, sunscreens, serums, eye and lip care, cleansers and moisturizers.

For expertise in this segment, we have sourced our expert from a beauty expert, licensed skin care therapist and self-proclaimed beauty junkie, Gregorie Guillaume,


Gregorie Guillaume

  • Licensed Aesthetician in NYC and LA
  • Beauty Blogger and writer for multiple media outlets
  • Co-Founder of HueKnewIt



Urodynamic Testing in Women: What, When and Why

Urinary incontinence and an overactive bladder is not only a significant social and economic health problem, but it can be a “bother” for many women. There are large variations as the the degree of this problem and when to treat it. The prevalence of urinary incontinence in women peaks around menopause and some have estimated this health condition affects 3-17% of women. Urge incontinence is more likely to require treatment than stress incontinence. Causes for this condition are typically bladder or sphincter dysfunction or both.

Urodynamic testing are some procedures administered that can be administered in clinics, doctor’s office and at times the hospital. These focus on the bladder’s ability to hold urine and empty steadily and completely. Indications for urodynamic testing include: urine leakage, frequency of urination, painful urination, sudden strong urges to urinate, problems with starting a urine stream, problems with emptying the bladder completely and recurrent urinary tract infections. Testing procedures range from simple observation to sophisticated instruments and imaging. Types of urodynamic tests are: uroflowmetry, post void residual measurements, cystometric tests, leak point pressure, pressure flow studies, electromyography, and video urodynamic testing.

Tune in to this segment for more information about the “What, When and Why” of urodynamic testing as presented by local urogynecology expert, Dr. Jennifer Elliott, a local Atlanta gynecologist. Listeners can also obtain more information on


Dr. Jennifer Elliott

  • MD from LSU School of Medicine
  • Completed residency at Atlanta Medical Center
  • Board certified OB/GYN
  • Named “Best Doc” by Lifestyle magazine
  • In private practice at Women’s Health Associates



Computer Vision Syndrome

The computer screen is a common tool used in today’s workplace , home and society interactions. The American Optometry Association reports that in Western cultures, many American workers spend hours looking at computer screens. The Vision Council reported in 2012 that 70% of Americans will experience some eye strain from looking at digital devices annually. School children are also at risk as 60 million kids will use computers or digital devices (not TV’s) for > 1 hr/day. School performance starts with the eyes and it has been estimated that 80% of learning comes visually. Computer eye strain is the first computer related health complaint. Some vision health care experts report that if you are looking at a computer screen or digital device for > 2 hrs per day, you have a 90% chance of developing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). CVS also affects work performance and the bottom line for companies with a significant workforce that works on computers and digital devices. It is becoming a public health issue as in 2013, over 10 million visits to eye professionals were made for CVS.

Computer Vision Syndrome is usually not permanent but can be very painful and it is very treatable. Typical causes are unsuitable work environments and improper use of eye glasses and contacts. Symptoms are typically associated with “near work” and can include: eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. Treatments range from limiting exposure, to redesign of work environments (lighting, computer settings), eye drops and proper use and fitting of eye devices.

Tune in to this segment for more information about the causes, symptoms and treatments for Computer Vision Syndrome. Dr. Marc Lay, a local Atlanta optometrist who has completed doctoral research work on this subject, will lend his expertise on this topic affecting so many adults and children. Listeners can also obtain more information on


Dr. Marc Lay

  • Doctor of Optometry at State University of NY, College of Optometry
  • Completed residency at Salisbury VA in NC
  • Doctorate research work focus in Computer Vision Syndrome
  • Former volunteer with SCOSH in Lima, Peru to provide vision services
  • In private practice at Georgia Eye Physicians in Duluth, GA


Dr. Marc Lay Header