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Hospice and Palliative Care

End of life completion and closure is an experience each of us will need to deal with at some point in our life journey. Hospice and palliative care provides a program of support that includes medical, social, emotional and spiritual support through a multidisciplinary team of nurses, physicians, volunteers and social services.  Hospice and palliative are  often considered when there is a shift from usual medical treatment for a cure to end of life pain relief and support.

Hospice services are provided in hospice facilities, the patient’s home, long term care facilities and sometimes even hospitals. Twice as many people die in hospice care as in hospitals or nursing homes compared to 10 years ago. This type of care used to be thought of mostly for cancer patients. However , in recent years, services have been expanded to a wide range of diagnoses that qualify for care including Alzheimer’s and Dementia.  Medicare is the primary payor of hospice services in the United States and hospice has become one of the fastest growing Medicare programs. It is also one of the program’s that has proven to be of value cost/ benefit wise as the Medicare saves approximately $2300 per patient, over the course of their end of life care.  This segment of The Doctor’s Roundtable focuses on an overview of hospice services, how to qualify for these services, the benefits and principals of palliative care management.


Dr. Lisa Rosa Re’

  • MD at University of Seville, Spain
  • Family Medicine residency at St. Mary’s Hospital in Hoboken, NJ
  • Completed fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City
  • Private practice at Family and Integrative Medicine in Roswell, GA
  • Specializing in integration of holistic and traditional medicine, a multi-linguistic practice


Ms. Mary Triplett

  • Program Director, Compassion Care Hospice



Dr. Lisa Rose Re and Mary Triplett on The Doctors Roundtable

The Doctors Roundtable Topic: Hospice and Palliative Care

Craig Ridley - Dr. Rosa Re - Mary Triplett - Tanya Mack

The Doctors Roundtable with Dr. Lisa Rosa Re and Mary Triplett on Hospice and Palliative Care

Preventive Cardiology for Women

When most women are asked what the leading cause of death is for women over  25 yrs of age in the US, the most common answer is “cancer.” However, the correct answer is heart disease.  One in three women in the US will die of heart disease and about 8 million women in the US are living with heart disease at any one moment. First cardiac events are more fatal in women than men.  Did you know that 42% of women who have a heart attack, will die within one year after this event compared to 24% of men? A woman’s heart is different.

Risk factors for women and men are well documented and many are preventable. Despite this,  alarming trends in the prevalence of risk factors continues.  Aggressive cardiac risk factor management, education and intercepting women at key points like childbearing and menopause, can be keys to better outcomes. Risk factors include high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, poor lifestyle choices and family history.  However, symptoms of a cardiac event in a woman differ from a man. Men report crushing chest pain with pain radiating down the left arm. Many women never experience this and report more atypical symptoms of a cardiac event including shortness of breath, nausea and unusual fatigue.   Hormones and age are also influential with heart disease in women.

Effective treatment options are available to not only manage cardiac events but to slow down this often progressive disease process.  Listen in to this segment to hear local cardiology expert, Dr. Jason Reingold address the topic of preventive cardiology for women.  Understanding and managing cardiac risk factors today may reduce the chance of heart disease for women tomorrow.


Dr. Jason Reingold

  • MD from Emory University
  • Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology
  • Internal Medicine Residency program completed at UC San Francisco Med Ctr.
  • Completed cardiology fellowship at Mass General Hospital in Boston
  • Regular appearances on  Sanjay Gupta’s CNN health program





Cardiologist Dr. Jason Reingold on The Doctors Roundtable

 Tanya Mack, Host and Dr. Jason Reingold, Cardiologist and Guest


Summer Skin Problems: Sunburn to Skin Cancer

Intense sunlight, humidity, poisonous plants and biting insects can add up to no fun in the summer sun and problems with our skin. Summertime means more time outdoors, but preparing for the sun with greater thought and planning is worth the prevention to make this outdoor time of year more pleasant. The lack of preventive efforts can allow ultraviolet (UV) rays with sun exposure to leave us with skin problems: sagging, wrinkles, burns rashes and  uneven pigmentation.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Approximately 1:5 Americans will have it in their lifetime and it is 99% treatable if found early. It’s important we are aware of heat rash, bug bites, rosacea flare ups, increased acne, excessive sweating and sun exposure considering they are the leading contributors to skin cancer.  These health concerns are greater during the summer.

There are many preventive measures and treatments that can help our skin health blossom during the summer time when lifestyles are more focused on the outdoors. In this segment, Dr. Ashley Curtis will discuss prevention, products, some new technologies such as MiraDry and the latest in lasers to help prepare and keep your skin in the best shape. For more information, listeners can visit


Dr. Ashley Curtis



The Doctors Roundtable